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Clik here to view.Hello everyone! Hope you all are enjoying the weekend and all my U.S. peeps can still fit into their pants after all the holiday eating (there is a lot of elastic waist happening around here!).
So lots of fun stuff happening this week. First off, I am super duper excited that this week Joyfully Jay reached 100 official Followers! I am blown away that things are rocking along so well here, especially after less than three months up and running. Thank you so much to all of you who read, comment, and follow along with the blog. It means so much to me to have your interest and support.
This week I’m starting off on Monday with a review of a book I really loved, Zero Knot by K.Z. Snow. It is such a wonderful, sweet, coming of age story and I was so glad I picked it up even not knowing much about it.
On Tuesday I will be reviewing A Chip on His Shoulder, a new book from L.A. Witt. This is a futuristic story of a vampire assassin and a rebelling computer hacker. So fun!
Also, Tuesday is the last day to enter to win a copy of Paper Planes by M. Jules Aedin. This book was really good so be sure to leave a comment for your chance to win. The contest closes at 11:59 EST.
On Wednesday author L.A. Witt will be here to talk to us more about A Chip on His Shoulder. She is also bringing a giveaway so be sure to stop by and comment on the post.
On Thursday I am reviewing It’s Not Shakespeare by Amy Lane. I really loved this one and it is getting a lot of good buzz.
Then on Friday, I have a review of Men Under the Mistletoe, a holiday anthology from Carina Press. This one has four great stories from four awesome m/m authors: Josh Lanyon, Ava March, Harper Fox, and K.A. Mitchell. The anthology will be released on December 5th so this will give you all a sneak peek before it is published.
So another busy week and it should be fun.
Just a quick housekeeping item… When you enter a contest, please be sure to leave your email address in your post unless there is a link in your profile. Otherwise there is no way for me to contact you if you win. If you are not comfortable sharing your email publicly, just be sure to check the blog after the contest closes to see if you are the winner and then contact me.
(I usually post the winner the day after the contest ends) Thanks!